I've decided to commit myself to getting rid 50% of the stuff in my life. I would like to work my way (with passion- not half-assed like I have in the past) to simplifying my life. I'm starting with my clothes closet (mentioned in the previous post) and with my kitchen (do I REALLY need a zucchini spiralizer? WTF? I think not). The game plan here is to give away to family and friends the things they can really use (without encouraging clutter in their homes), and then give the rest away to good will or the equivalent. This will also include paperwork, spending (I'm pretty sure I can cut this back 40% after looking at my budget- I know *gasp* right?- plus this will help minimize adding anything to the unnecessary clutter), magazine subscriptions as they run out (easily 80%), all CDs- I've started digitizing all of my music, pantry- using up and not replacing (unless it's an absolute staple like chicken broth and flax seeds), recipes, ex-hobbies and more.
Trust me, this picture scares me more than it does you. :)
The only things I can't half at this point is the camping equipment, beds (we have two- one for guests or sick or pissed significant others :)). I'm also not ready to give up 50% of my books- that's probably my biggest attachment and I'm not really sure why. I am now dedicated to minimizing the stuff in my life by half, it's a challenge to see how really low I can go.... I think it's a good measure to my happiness. :)
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